Microbiology lab



It is one of the most important laboratories affiliated with the college. It specializes in practical training for students in microbiology. The training of students is supervised by professors with specialization. It contains all the equipment and supplies necessary to achieve the goals of microbiology within the college curriculum, which the college student needs.

Securing the appropriate educational and academic environment to provide students with the necessary expertise and skills to provide the community with competencies specialized in microbiology, as well as developing their scientific capabilities and using them in various medical fields.


The laboratory aims to give students a clear perception of living creatures by knowing their structure and functions. This laboratory focuses on studying living organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

  • Teaching students the basic principles of safety and security while working in laboratories.
  • Teaching the correct way to use the microscope and the science of preparing microscopic slides.
  • Teaching the basic principles and methods used in sterilization and disinfection.
  • Teaching the correct scientific methods for collecting samples, handling them in the laboratory, and disposing of medical materials.
  • Learn about different types of microorganisms, their shapes, and ways to diagnose them in the laboratory.
  • Understanding the methods of transmission and control of microbial and parasitic infections, developing the skills of understanding the methods of transmitting and controlling microbial and parasitic infections, and developing students' skills through mental questions, answers, and laboratory scientific tests.

Microbiology lab

اسم العميل
: قسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية
: Completed