Immunology lab


It is one of the basic laboratories in the Department of Pathological Analyzes, which is an important basis in the scientific background of the department’s students. Therefore, the laboratory aims to spread awareness and knowledge in the medical fields by providing the country with students who are able to deal with laboratory materials and devices and know the importance of their dangers, how to deal with them and conduct medical analyses.

the message:

Building and refining students' talents, developing their capabilities in the field of medical analyzes, and providing an environment concerned with applying technological developments to sustain national development. On the educational level, the laboratory seeks to nurture students with a spirit of perseverance and self-confidence.


At the end of the school stage, the student will have familiarized himself with the basics of immunology, serums, immunological tests, methods of performing them, and high technology in order to reach the most accurate results. Also, at the end of the school stage, the student will learn about the parts of the immune system, its function, and how diseases are resisted in the bodyAnd the student is familiar with the work of laboratory tools and how to deal with laboratory models that come to the laboratory of serology or serology.

Immunology lab

اسم العميل
: قسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية
: Completed