Mechanism for applying to college

Student guide for admission to universities and private colleges.
Link to applying to private colleges

General instructions

Dear student ...
Please see the instructions for the admission process posted on the website of the Department of Private University Education.
To contact the Department of Private University Education,  click here.

The admission process is completely electronic and goes through four stages :

  • Student account creation stage
  • Data filling and authentication stage
  • The stage of submitting electronic forms
  • Registration and live stage

The electronic application and acceptance process can be summarized as follows

  1. Create a personal account, where you will choose a username and password and install your personal phone number
  2. After you create the personal account, you will activate the supporting services within the account as described in the instructions
  3. The system will then guide you to the stage of filling out the exam data, where you will choose the case that applies to you from among seven pre-prepared cases within the system.
  4. If you need an audit, the system will automatically direct you to an electronic appointment booking window at one of the audit centers at universities and private colleges .
  5. After your visit to the audit center within the specified date, the validity of your data will be verified and authenticated .
  6. At this stage, the system will display to you the student control panel, where you will be able to activate the private channels if you meet their conditions (described in the student guide in detail), noting that the public channel is activated for all students .
  7. At this stage, you can begin the electronic application process for the departments and colleges in the system through electronic application forms .
  8. The forms you submitted will appear on the preview page to know your sequence in terms of being an original candidate or a reserve candidate among the applicants .
  9. The registration period begins after the end of the application period, when the student is finally registered in the department in which his acceptance has been shown

With our wishes of success to all our students .