Histology and anatomy laboratory


The Anatomy and Medical Terminology Laboratory seeks to clarify the vision for the students of the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies with basic information in histology and anatomy.

the message:

Preparing qualified students in terms of histological and anatomical sciences and benefiting from them in their medical and future lives by identifying the histological structures of the body and organs and understanding the important physiological processes and the interrelationship between them.



The laboratory aims to give students a clear perception of living creatures by knowing their structure and functions. This laboratory focuses on studying living organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

  • Build a basic knowledge of human histology and an understanding of normal human tissues that are essential in some medical applications.
  • Learn the basic principles of anatomy, histology and scientific terminology
  • and topographical.
  • Identify the anatomical structures, the important physiological processes, and the interrelationship between them for the different systems and organs in the human body.
  • Learn about the delicate system of fluids and electronics in the body and methods of examining normal proportions in the laboratory.
  • Understanding and studying the organs related to blood perfusion, such as the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system, and the renal system, and their role in maintaining the physiological functions in the body, as well as the type of tissues that make them up.
  • Develop students' skills through mental questions, answers and special tests.