Exam instructions

First Amendment Instructions No. 149 of 2002

Second Amendment Instructions No. 153 of 2003

Third Amendment Instructions No. 154 of 2004


Article: 1

These instructions apply to universities, the Technical Institutes Authority, and the institutes affiliated with each of them


Article: 2

1. The college council or the institute council shall determine, upon a proposal from the department or branch council in a college in which there are no departments, the number and type of pursuit exams, how to conduct them, and calculate their percentages, provided that the pursuit grade is not less than (30%) thirty percent and does not exceed (50%). Fifty percent of the final grade, except for topics of a scientific and applied nature, the percentage of which is determined by the University Council or the Council of the Technical Institutes Authority.

2. Final exams in the graduating classes of medical colleges include some topics determined by the college council. The annual completion of sixth-grade subjects in medical colleges is calculated at 20%, twenty percent of the grade.


Article: 3

1. The quarterly or annual final exam for the first and second rounds will be confidential in all subjects.

2. The semester or annual exam includes the vocabulary of the topics prescribed during the semester or year, provided that the study for the semester lessons is not less than (15) fifteen weeks, and the annual lessons are not less than (30) thirty weeks, and the days of final examinations and school holidays are not included in this.


Article: 4

The faculty member is committed to programming the vocabulary of the subjects he studies, along with the distribution of grades for the annual endeavor and the final exam. This is announced at the beginning of the academic year, and the grades for the annual endeavor are announced to the students no less than five days before the start of the final exams through the department after the approval of the department head or the head of the branch in the colleges. In which there are no sections, the student has the right to object to the grade or correct the error during the aforementioned period.


Article: 5

1. The college or institute council shall form, upon the proposal of the dean, one or more permanent committees to administer examinations during the academic year.

2. The quarterly or annual final exam for the first and second rounds will be confidential in all subjects.


Article: 6

The minimum passing grade (50%) is fifty percent for each subject.

Article: 7

In colleges that adopt the semester system, every two semester subjects are counted as one annual subject unless the number of semester subject hours is equal to the minimum number of study hours for one subject during the academic year.


Article: 8, amended according to Resolution No. (153) of 2003

1. The student who failed half the subjects (by algebra - in the case of an odd number of subjects in the student’s favor) or less in the first round exams is allowed to take the second round exams in the subjects in which he failed. Otherwise, the student is considered to have failed the first round, with the exception of students in the final year of the Faculty of Medicine. Taking into account what is stated in Article (20) of these instructions.

2. If the student is considered to have failed any of the first or second courses, he will repeat the full year and take an exam in the subjects in which he failed, as well as the subjects in which he obtained an acceptable grade.

3. It means the student who failed one of the dropped subjects and is required to take the new subjects in his class when changing the curricula, provided that this does not lead to his transfer to a higher class or his graduation unless it is not required for a subject, taking into account what is stated in Clause (Second) of this article.

4. If the student succeeds in all the subjects in the academic stage he is in and fails in some of the subjects from a lower grade, then he will be passed to the higher grade.


Article: 9, amended according to Resolution 157 of 2004

A student is considered to have failed any subject if his absences exceed (10%) ten percent of the hours scheduled for that subject without a legitimate excuse approved by the college or institute council, or (15%) fifteen percent with a legitimate excuse approved by the college or institute council.


Article: 10

The student may participate in the second round exams if his failure to participate in the first round exams is for a legitimate excuse approved by the college or institute council, provided that this is supported by official documents and in one of the following cases:

1. Sudden illness.

2. The death of a first-degree relative.

3. Run-over accidents.

4. Sudden timing.



Study subjects of a practical or applied nature that do not have a final exam are excluded from taking the second round exam. This is determined by the college or institute council at the beginning of the year and announced to the students.


Article: 12

- The second round exam may not be postponed under any circumstances.

Article: 13

- (10) marks will be deducted from the final grade for the subject in which the student passed in the second round when calculating the average, except for the passer with an acceptable grade, in which case his grade will be (50%) fifty percent in that subject.


Article: 14

- The Department Council prepares the final results and submits them, along with its recommendations, to the College or Institute Council for approval and announcement, except for the final grades, which are approved by the University President or the Technical Institutes Authority.


Article: 15

The student’s average is calculated on the basis of the grades he obtained in each subject, taking into account the number of units for each subject.

The unit is considered one hour of theoretical effort per week for a period of (15) fifteen weeks.

- Every two practical hours in college is equivalent to one theoretical hour, and every three practical hours is equivalent to one and a half hours. As for the institute, one practical hour is equivalent to one theoretical hour.


Article: 16

- The student’s graduation rank is calculated in studies that last (4) four years. The distribution of the percentages of years is as follows:

The first year (10%) ten percent.

Second year (20%) twenty percent.

The third year (30%) thirty percent.

Fourth year (40%) forty percent.

The graduation rate is calculated by multiplying the student’s average in each year by the percentage indicated accordingly, and the sum for the academic years is the student’s graduation rate.


Article: 17

- The results are announced with the following estimates to determine the student’s level among the successful students in terms of grades:

Excellence corresponds to grades 90 ninety - 100 hundred

Very good, equivalent to grades 80 eighty - 89 eighty-nine

Good is equivalent to degrees 70 seventy - 79 seventy-nine

Average corresponds to degrees 60 sixty - 69 sixty-nine

Acceptable, equivalent to grades 50 fifty-59 fifty-nine

Fail is equivalent to grades 49, forty-nine or less

- Fractional grades are divided into one if they are half or more for one subject.

Article 18:

- The University Council or the Authority Council, based on the recommendation of the College or Institute Council, calculates the year of non-failure for the student who failed in the subjects in which he did not participate in the second round in the second year in the event that he submits a medical report certified by a specialized committee in the Ministry of Health due to a reason beyond his control or force majeure. During the examination period, the college or institute council will be satisfied with this.

- The University Council or the Authority Council, based on the recommendation of the College or Institute Council, allows a student who failed in the year ending for two consecutive years, and who failed in the second year in one annual subject or in two semester subjects, to take the exam in the third year, provided that he has not spent the period allowed for his stay in the college or Institute.

** Added to Article -18- according to the first amendment to Examination Instructions No. 149 of (2002)

- The Minister may, for legitimate reasons of which he is convinced, calculate a non-failure year for a student who has failed for two consecutive years and has not spent the period allowed for his stay in the college or institute.


Article: 19

The student’s relationship with the college or institute ends in one of the following two cases:

  • If he fails two consecutive years in his class.

** It shall be in accordance with Amendment No. 157 of 2004

  • If the student exceeds the prescribed period of study in his specialty and half of this period, including the years of failure, and the years of postponement and non-failure are not counted among that.

Based on the instructions of the first amendment to Examination Instructions No. (149) of 2002, the following is added to Article 19.

  • Students whose registrations have been modified in the first and second years in colleges/morning studies are accepted in the first year in the specialty corresponding or close to his specialization in one of the Institutes of the Technical Education Authority/morning or evening studies.
  • Students whose registrations have been upgraded in the third grades and above in colleges/morning studies are accepted in the second year in the specialty corresponding to or close to his specialization in one of the Institutes of the Technical Education Authority/morning or evening studies.
  • The provisions of Clauses (First) and (Second) of this article apply to students whose registrations in evening studies colleges have been upgraded for admission to one of the evening institutes of the Technical Education Authority.

Article 20:

- If it is proven that the student cheated or attempted to cheat in any of the daily, weekly, monthly, semester, or final exams, he is considered to have failed all subjects for that year, and if this is repeated, he will be dismissed from the college or institute, and his registration will be deleted from its records.


Article 21:

- The student may postpone his studies for one year for legitimate reasons that are satisfied by the college or institute council, provided that the student submits the postponement at least thirty (30) days before the start of the final exam.

- The president of the university or the president of the body, based on the recommendation of the college or institute council, may postpone the student’s study for a second year for legitimate reasons of which he is convinced, provided that the postponement request is submitted at least thirty (30) days before the start of the final exam.

- It is not permissible for a student to postpone his studies in colleges or institutes that follow the semester system in the second semester unless it is for a reason beyond his control and if he is successful in the first semester, in which case the postponement is considered for the entire academic year.

- The Minister or whomever he authorizes among the university presidents or the body, based on the recommendation of the university council or the body of technical institutes and for legitimate reasons of which he is convinced, may postpone the student’s studies for a third year, taking into account what is stated in Article (19) of these instructions.


Article 22:

- Examination Instructions No. (7) of 1979 shall be cancelled


Article 23:

  • These instructions are published in the Official Gazette and are effective from the 2000/2001 academic year